
Return and Refund Policy

NAROO is committed to quality product and service because our customers come first.

Can I cancel my order?

  • If you wish to cancel an order that is not yet processed or shipped, please contact us via our website immediately.
  • If your product has already been processed and shipped, then you cannot cancel your order.

I received the wrong item/damaged items. May I get a refund?

  • You may receive a refund including shipping fees if you receive the wrong or damaged items.
  • In order to receive a refund, you must fill out our Return Application Form within 7 calendar days of receiving your order.

We cannot issue a refund for the following situations:

  • Your order doesn’t arrive because of user error (for example, providing the incorrect shipping address)
  • Your order doesn’t arrive due to circumstances outside our control (for example, country-specific customs issues, natural disaster)
  • The items are used or soiled (for health and safety reasons)
  • The items are not in the original, sealed packaging (for health and safety reasons)
  • The package’s seal is broken

How do I get a refund?

  • You must apply for a refund within 7 calendar days of receipt of your order via our Return Application Form.
  • Once we evaluate the return application and it meets the requirements for refund, we will issue a refund minus shipping and notify you.
  • Please allow 7 to 10 business days for your financial institution to reflect the refund on your statement.

I want to return my order for personal reasons.

  • If you don’t like the items for personal reasons, including size and color, you may return the items if the package remains unsealed and the items unused.
  • Please contact us via our Return Application Form within 7 calendar days of receiving the order.
  • Please note that you are responsible for all shipping costs.

May I return a product bought online in a physical store?

  • At this time, it is not possible to return any product bought online in our physical stores.

May I exchange a product?

  • Yes, you may exchange a product within 7 calendar days of receiving your order by filling out our Return Application Form as long as the package remains unsealed and the items unused
  • Please note that you are responsible for all shipping costs.

We may refuse returns, cancellations, and refunds on items that have been used or soiled in any way and that are returned in an unsealed package. Also, according to our judgement, we may also refuse service to anyone who makes excessive returns.


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